Saturday, April 13, 2013

Brew Day!

So today was Brew Day.  But before that it was time for a run.  I had biked the past 2 Saturdays and was considering doing so as well this morning, but last night at Asher, Handzo said he and Greg were going planning on running at Hall Ranch Saturday morning.  When I got up this am and found the temperature about 5-10 degrees cooler than I prefer to bike in, I couldn't pass up a run at Hall Ranch.  This is one of my favorite runs in Boulder County.  It's tough but beautiful and early in the morning, you usually have the place to yourself.  I didn't know how I would feel, but even if I was slow and beat up by the end, it still would be great morning.

Check out the route.

I was a big sluggish on the climb falling behind Greg, but he was kind enough to circle back for me part way up.

Greg pulls away 3/4 of the way up the climb.

 I however didn't return the favor for Handzo.  Sorry, dude.

Looking back at Ryan.

View looking back across the St Vrain valley

We had some company at the top of the climb, but outside of that and a few mountain bikers, Hall Ranch was all ours.

A herd of deer met us at the top of the climb.

Fantastic views.

Did the nearly 10 mile route in 1:24.

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It was a relatively relaxed run throughout and I felt good when we got done.  Obviously lost some fitness and can tell when we were climbing, but I think in a couple of weeks I will be back into a decent training shape.   Post run called for waffles at Barking Dog Cafe.   Fantastic morning and a great way to get into proper brewing mood.

For my first batch I picked something simple, a dark mild ale.   Brisco's Homebrews was set up and ready to go.

Everything is ready for some brewing.

The manager of this operation seemed unimpressed by my efforts.

First step, crack the grains.  Best piece of equipment for this task is an empty beer bottle (not to be empty for much longer.)
Cracked grains on right.  To be cracked on the right.

Grains seeping in hot water.

Bowling wort.

Measuring out the hops.  (Kent Goldings)

Cooling the wort.

Siphoning wort into primary fermentor.

Yeast is pitched.  Airlock is placed on top.  Now waiting for fermentation to start.

Brisco's Genesis Dark Mild Ale is now fermenting away.  Those little yeast guys are doing their job, eating some sugar and excreting alcohol and carbon dioxide.  

After a few hours, signs of fermentation are evident.

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